8 Best Health-Sharing Plans
Health-sharing plans are insurance that allows you to share the cost of your medical expenses with other members. These plans aren't for everyone, but there are situations where they make sense for both individuals and families. In this article, we'll explore health-sharing plans and how they work, what kind of coverage you can expect from them, and who might benefit from having one. Liberty Share Liberty Share is a Christian health-sharing plan that Liberty HealthShare operates. It has a monthly fee of $150, and its lifetime maximum is $1 million. Liberty Share is a health sharing plan that Liberty HealthShare operates. It has a monthly fee of $150, and its lifetime maximum is $1 million. Liberty Share does not cover contraceptive devices, abortion services, or vasectomies. Aliera Healthcare - You're a Christian. - You want a health plan that will help you save money without sacrificing quality. - You have a few extra bucks to contribute monthly for bigger savings on your